Singh Surjeet-
The 32nd.Conference of All India Kisan Sabha expresses its profound grief
at the passing away of Com. Harkishan Singh Surjeet a veteran kisan leader, freedom fighter, former General Secretary of CPI(M)
and a prominent national political personality. He died on August 1,2008, after a prolonged illness at the age of 93. Com.
Surjeet plunged into freedom struggle just after the martyrdom of Bhagat Singh. He was arrested
several times. Out of ten years of his jail life, Britishers put him behind the bars for 8 years. He had to
remain underground also for several years. He was associated with the kisan movement and Kisan Sabha from the very beginning.
He was elected
Secretary of Punjab State Kisan Sabha in 1938. After independence he led the anti-betterment levy struggle of farmers in Punjab in 1959. He has been the part of leadership of AIKS continuously and was elected General Secretary
of All India Kisan Sabha at its 22nd. Conference held at Sikar in 1974 and President at its 26th. Conference
held at Khammam in 1989. He was Vice President of AIKS, when he breathed his last. He was always
concerned with the development of the kisan movement and its organization. Books written by him such as “ History of
the All India Kisan Sabha” and “Land Reforms in India”
are valuable guides for present and future generations of kisan activists. He remained committed lifelong to the cause of
the peasantry,agricultural workers,working class and other sections of the toiling masses.
He was
a tireless fighter for the cause of democratic rights, secularism,national unity and national sovereignty. His death is a
great loss for the entire country, particularly for the toiling masses and left, democratic and secular forces. All India
Kisan Sabha dips its red banner in the memory of Com. Surjeet and pays its respectful homage to our beloved leader.
Com. E.Balanandan
The 32nd.Conference of All India Kisan Sabha deeply mourns the
passing away of veteran leader of the working class, former President of CITU and former member of the Politburo of CPI (M),
Com. E.Balanandan on 19th January, 2009 at the age of 84.
Throughout his life Com.Balanandan championed
the cause of the working class and was instrumental in leading many struggles of the working class.
In his death, the working class,
peasantry, agricultural workers and other sections of toiling masses have lost a valuable leader. The All India Kisan Sabha
pay respectful homage to the memory of Com. E .Balanandan.
Com. Chittabrat Mazumdar:-
32nd.Conference of All
India Kisan Sabha expresses its deep grief at the sudden demise of Com. Chittabrat Mazumdar, General Secretary of the CITU
and member of the Polit Bureau of CPIM, who passed away at the age of 71.
Com.Majumdar joined the student movement in 1957 and
later on Trade Union movement with which he remained actively aligned till he breathed last. He was a strong supporter of
workers-peasant alliance. His death is a great loss for the movement of working class, peasantry and other toiling masses
of the country.
The Conference pays its respectful homarge to the memory of Comrade Chittabrat Mazumdar.
Com. Anil Biswas:-
32nd.Conference of All
India Kisan Sabha deeply morns the sad demise of Com. Anil Biswas Member of Polit Bureau and Secretary of the West Bengal
State Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist ). Reared in the glorious revolutionary traditions of the West Bengal, he rose to be an exponent of Marxism-Leninism, brilliant strategist and organizer.He
was a leader who enjoyed the confidence of all levels of the cadres in the state. His death is a great loss to the left and
democratic movement especially to Kisan movement. The 32nd.Conference of All India Kisan
Sabha pays its respectful homage to the memory of Com. Anil Biswas.
Com. P.Ramachandran:-
The 32nd.Conference of
All India Kisan Sabha expresses deep grief at the passing away of Com. P.Ramachandran,veteran leader of
the toiling masses,former member of the Polit Bureau,CPI(M). Born in Tellichary, Kerala, he devoted his life for the cause
of downtrodden and joined AISF in 1939 and then Communist Party and trade union.
He also
worked as a trade union leader for more than 15 years.Adhering to the revolutionary principle of Marxism-Leninism. his life
was totally devoted to the cause of toiling masses. He was the ardent supporter of workers-peasant alliances.The 32nd.Conference
of All India Kisan Sabha pays its respectful homage to the memory of Com. P.Ramachandran.
Com. Sheopat Singh:-
The 32nd.Conference of All
India Kisan Sabha deeply mourns the demise of Com. Sheopat Singh, Vice President of All India Kisan Sabah, Former President
of Rajasthan Unit and former member of Parliament & Rajasthan Assembly. He died on March the age of 80. He was
elected to Assembly 4 times and to Lok Sabha in 1989. He led several other militant struggle including one for distribution
of Govt. land around newly dug Rajasthan Canal..Though
he was born in rich peasant family, he emerged as a beloved leader of poor people because of his role in raising issues of
poor and downtrodden with courage and determination. He was elected Vice President of AIKS at its last national
conference at Nashik in 2006. The 32nd.Conference of All India Kisan Sabha pays its respectful homage to the memory
of Com. Sheopat Singh.
Com.Mehboob Zahedi.
The 32nd.Conference
of All India Kisan Sabha deeply mourns the demise of Comrade Mehboob Zahedi, Vice President of AIKS, Five time elected Member
of Parliament, he was the former minister in the West Bengal Left Front Government and former
Sabhadhipati of Burdwan Zilla Parishad. A veteran leader of Kisan movement, he passed away at New Delhi on 8th. April 2006 at the age of 77. Born in Burdwan he became a whole
timer the day he joined the organisation in 1953. Serving AIKS as Joint Secretary for two sessions. He was elected Vice President
of AIKS during the 3Ist. Confeence at Nashik, he had a good contribution in developing Kisan organisation in Hindi region.
His death is a great loss to the Kisan Movement of the country. The 32nd.Conference of All India Kisan Sabha pays
its respectful homage to the memory of Com.Mehboob Zahedi.
The 32nd.Conference of
All India Kisan Sabha deeply mourns the passing away of its former Joint Secretary and veterans of the peasant
movements in Kerala,Com.T.K.Ramakrishnan, who died on 2Ist.April 2006 at the age of 84.He started his political journey
by organising boat and quary workers. He was expelled from the college for participating in the Quit India Movement. T.K.
began organising the toddy-tappers and agricultural workers.Later,he concentrated his work amongst the peasantry.He later
became the General Secretary of Kerala Karshaka Sangham.Thrice he was Cabinet Minister holding important portfolios. He woked
also as opposition leader and L.D.F. convenor. He was also a good writer. His death is a great loss to the Kisan Movement
and Left democratic movement.The 32nd.Conference of All India Kisan Sabha pays its respectful homage to the memory
of Com. T.K.Ramakrishnan.
Com.Kortala Satyanarayana:-
The 32nd.Conference of All India Kisan Sabha deeply morns the sad
demise of Com. Kortala Satyanarayana, who passed away on July, 1,2006 at the age of 83.A former member of CKC
and former P.B.Member of CPIM Comrade, Kortala was the one of the veteran participant of historic Telangana Struggle. He made
an immense contribution in building the Kisan Movement in Andhra Pradesh. Two times he was elected for Andhra Pradesh Assembly.
His death is a great loss to the Kisan Movement. The 32nd.Conference of AIKS pays heartfelt condolences
to the memory of Com. Kortala Satyanarayana.
Com. Ahilya Rangnekar
The 32nd.Conference of All India Kisan Sabha expresses its profound
grief at the passing away of Com. Ahilya Rangnekar. at the age of 87. Com. Ahilya joined freedom struggle as a young student
and hoisted the Indian tri-colour flag on the wall of the Yerawada Jail, where she
was lodged after being arrested. She was one of the founder member of the Mahila Sangh,which organised food for the striking
sailors during the revolt by the Royal Indian Navy in 1946. Ahilya was one of the founders of AIDWA and later its former working
President. She was former member of Parliament and former C.C. member of CPIM. Lifelong, she remained committed to the cause
of working class, peasantry and other downtrodden masses. She was jailed for more than seven years and remained underground
for two years.
. The 32nd.Conference of All India Kisan Sabha pays its respectful
homage to the memory of Com. Ahilya Rangnekar.
Com.Prabhakar Sanzgiri:-
The 32nd.Conference of All India Kisan Sabha
expresses deep grief a the passing away of Com. Prabhakar Sanzgiri. He served as a the President of the Maharashtra State
CITU and was it’s All India Vice President for a long time. Former member of the C.C. and State Secretary
of Maharashtra Unit of CPIM, he was an ardent supporter of worker-peasant unity. He spent five and half years in Jail. His
death is a big loss for the movement of working class and peasantry. The 32nd.Conference of All India Kisan Sabha
pays its respectful homage to the memory of Com Sanzgii.
The 32nd.Conference
of All India Kisan Sabha deeply mourns the death of Com. Prithvi Singh, former General Secretary of Haryana
State Kisan Sabha and also the former member of the CKC,Com.C.P. Balan Vydyar,
a member of AIKC and one of the Office Bearer of Kerala Karshaka Sangham,Com.Bahadur Singh Dhakar, former
CKC member and former state secretary M.P.State Kisan Sabha, Com. Gangadhar Appa Burande veteran freedom fighter, former
President Maharashtra State Kisan Sabha and former CKC member, Com. Ishwar Das, veteran freedom fighter
and former President of Orissa unit of AIKSCom. Onkar Nath Trishal,President,Jammu & Kashmir unit of Kisan Sabha, Com.
M.P.Narayan Nambiar,former CKC Member from Kerala and veteran freedom fighter, Com. Banmali Das, former,
CKC Member and founder president of Orissa Krusak Sabha, Com.Sridhar Malik, Member,AIKC and President of our Burdwan
Dist. Unit,Com.Farooq Azam,AIKC member from West Bengal,Com.Jayant Bhattacharya,member AIKC from West Bengal, Com.Purnamohan
Tripura, and Com. Dinesh Debbarma, veteran GMP leaders of Tripura, Com.K.Ramani,veteran trade union leader
of Tamilnadu,Com.C.Kannan,veteran T.U.leader of Kerala,Com. Saroj Chanda,former, Vice President of AIAWU from
Tripura, Com.Ram Swarup,AIAWU leader from U.P., Com.Viswanath Singh, popular leader of peasantry
of Bihar, Com.K.Krishnamurti,AIAWU leader from Andhra Pradesh, ,Com.V.R.Vommareddy, veteran intellectual from
Andhra Pradesh, Com. Sukra Munda, veteran leader of land struggle of Ranchi ( Jharkhand ) Com. Prabhat Singh,
CITU leader from Haryana.Com. I.Vasudevan,former Office Secretary of AIKS, Com.P.B.Rangnekar,veteran leader
of working class and peasanry of Maharashtra and freedom fighter, Com.Luisa Pereira, veteran mass leader from Goa Com.
Ranjit Basu, Treasurer,CITU and Com. S.K.Dhar, popular leader of Railway Employees,
AIKS dips its red banner in memory of of these veteran and popular mass leaders and sends heartfelt
condolences to the bereaved family members.
The 32nd.Conference of All India Kisan Sabha deeply morns the passing
away of Shri.V.P.Singh, former Prime Minister of India, Com.Bhogendra Jha, former General Secretary of AIKS
( 4,Windsor Place)