Build United Struggles against
UPA Govt’s Anti-Peasant Policies
TERMING the present
UPA government at
the centre as 'the worst anti-peasant and anti-agriculture government that
India has ever seen', the 32nd all India conference of the All India Kisan
Sabha called upon the peasantry to build powerful, united struggles in
resistance to the most anti-peasant and anti-agriculture policies of this
government. It also highlighted the unprecedented distress among the peasantry
in the country as a result of skewed policies pursued by the ruling classes
since independence and suggested concrete alternatives to overcome this
Ramachandran Pillai, president of AIKS, gave this call in his presidential
address to the conference, which began in Guntur,
Andhra Pradesh, on January 7, 2010. The proceedings of the conference started
with the hoisting of Red flag by veteran AIKS leader, Benoy Konar at the venue,
renamed as 'Comrade Harkishan Singh Surjeet Nagar'. A total of 726 delegates
and 7 observers from all parts of the country paid homage at the martyrs
column. Artistes of by Praja Natya Mandali rendered revolutionary songs during
this ceremony. The portrait of Comrade Surjeet was garlanded by the president
and general secretary of AIKS.
his presidential address Pillai at the outset expressed happiness at the
conference being held in Andhra Pradesh that has a long history of Kisan Sabha
playing an important role in the freedom struggle, struggles against
landlordism, for formation of state of Andhra Pradesh on linguistic basis etc.
He recalled the history of peasant movement in the state which began as early
as in 1923 and included such glorious chapters as the march from Itchapuram to
Madras in 1937, the heroic Telangana armed struggle during which more than
three thousand villages were liberated and over ten lakh acres of lands
belonging to landlords were distributed among the people. The continuation of
that legacy in the form of militant struggles by the Kisan Sabha in the state
against debt burden, for remunerative prices, against high power tariffs
imposed at the behest of World Bank etc were pointed out.
AIKS president underlined the grim situation facing the peasantry not only in India but
across the world. He said that the peasants who produce food that feeds the
people of the world cannot themselves eat what they produce. As per estimates,
842 million people in the world live in conditions of chronic persistent
hunger. Millions of people, including six million children below the age of
five, die each year due to hunger. The important point to note is that 50 per
cent of the hungry and malnourished worldwide are small land holders while
another 22 per cent are landless and rural agricultural workers. Pillai
underlined that the main reason for such a state of affairs is that land, water
and seeds are increasingly being taken over and controlled by landlords and
MNCs. Hence the issue of land has become the most fundamental issue confronting
the peasantry worldwide. In this context only there are growing struggles
across continents for genuine land reforms, even braving the brutal forms of
repression being unleashed against the peasants by both the landlords and the
State apparatus.
distress among the peasantry is growing by the day. Poverty and hunger is
spreading widely. The peasant suicides are continuing as agriculture is
increasingly becoming an unviable venture for the large majority of the
peasantry. Even as the prices of agricultural inputs and necessities are rising
sharply, the prices of agricultural commodities are unremunerative and
fluctuating. Landlessness is growing at a faster pace than at any time during
the post-independence period. Today, about half of the peasants are indebted,
with most of them taking loans from private money lenders who charge exorbitant
rates of interest. Added to this are the regular occurrence of natural
calamities that affect large parts of the country. The farmers are devastated with
their crops ruined by droughts and flood every year and lack of governmental
efforts in either providing relief or preventing.
traced the present agrarian crisis to the skewed nature of capitalist path of
development pursued by the ruling classes since independence. The
State-sponsored phase of capitalist development till 1991 and the
State-withdrawal or the neo-liberal phase since 1991 have totally failed to
solve the problems of the peasantry and agriculture in India. In this
context, he singled out the present UPA regime as the worst anti-peasant and
anti-agriculture government that India has ever seen. He charged
that instead of protecting the interests of peasantry and agriculture, this
government is protecting only the interests of the traders, big corporates and
went on to list some of the recent measures taken by the government in
agricultural sector to prove this point. The Seed Bill, introduced in
parliament, seeks to take away the birth right of the peasantry to produce, preserve
and transfer seeds among themselves. The government now wants to hand it over
this right to corporates and MNCs. The proposed amendments to the Land
Acquisition Act of 1894 and the provisions contained in the Rehabilitation and
Resettlement Bill contain many loopholes and do not adequately protect the
interests of the peasantry. The AIKS, among other things, sought a provision
enabling the affected persons to get a share in the increased income arising
from the change in land use. The government has not accepted this demand. He
also cited the recent ordinance brought by the UPA government amending the
provisions of the Essential Commodities Act in order to reduce the remunerative
prices for sugarcane farmers. It sought to protect the interests of traders,
exporters and mill owners, he charged. Similarly the case of approving the
environmental release of Bt Brinjal without conducting appropriate and adequate
experiments. The gameplan is to handover the production of seeds to Indian
corporates and MNCs.
president has also warned the UPA government against rushing into any new
agreement related to WTO and criticised its over-enthusiasm in trying to remove
the so-called road block in the Doha
round of WTO negotiations. He demanded that the government must publish a white
paper reviewing the experience of the performance of the 1994 WTO Agreement and
hold a national debate. As the WTO talks are stalled, the UPA government is
entering into free trade agreements with many countries and as per commerce minister's
own reply in parliament, it is discussing 56 FTAs with various countries.
Pillai cited the agreement made with ASEAN which will create disastrous
consequences to the lives of peasants, fishermen, workers in light and textile
industries. Kerala is going to be the worst affected by this agreement. He
asked the government not to surrender the interests of the peasantry and
agriculture for serving the interests of the corporate houses. Pillai also
attacked the strategic alliance being forged by the UPA government with the USA and said
this will have serious implications for the agricultural economy and the
well-being of the peasantry. He cited the US-India Agricultural Knowledge
Initiative in this regard and felt it would only tighten the stranglehold of
MNCs over Indian agriculture.
Strongly opposing
the ongoing land grab
in the name of Special Economic Zones, he said “It is a fact that
industrialisation and modernisation of infrastructure is as essential for
economic development as is the development of agriculture. A planned, balanced
and harmonious development of industry and agriculture, not one at the cost of
another, is necessary in the present situation”. Further elaborating on the
alternative approach being advocated by the AIKS, Pillai said the government
must concentrate upon the production conditions from the point of view of the
agrarian classes rather than the quantity of commodities produced by them. He
sought greater State intervention in promoting peasant agriculture. It should
make greater investments in irrigation, electricity, rural development etc. It
should provide debt relief and remunerative prices for crops. It must also take
measures for value addition and diversification in agriculture. The government
must increase direct and indirect subsidies to agriculture in tune with what
most developing and developed countries are doing. All these, Pillai
underscored, would help in coming out of the present agrarian crisis and to
achieve this there must be a radical change in the approach of
the UPA government.
N K Shukla, joint secretary of AIKS, placed the condolence resolution. The
conference paid rich tributes to Comrade Harkishan Singh Surjeet, veteran kisan
leader, freedom fighter and former general secretary of CPI(M). He led the
anti-betterment levy struggle of farmers in Punjab
in 1959 and has been part of AIKS leadership continuously. He served both as
general secretary and president of AIKS and was vice president of the
organisation when he breathed his last. Tributes were also paid to Comrades E
Balanandan, Chittabrata Mazumdar, Anil Biswas, P Ramachandran, Sheopath Singh,
Mehboob Zahedi, T K Ramakrishnan, Koratala Satyanarayana, Ahilya Rangnekar and
Prabhakar Sanzgiri. The 32nd conference of AIKS also passed a resolution paying
homage to martyrs since the last conference in 2006.
--N S Arjun